whatsApp new hidden tricks no one knows in 2019

WhatsApp new hidden tricks no one knows in 2019  

As the GB WhatsApp or whatsapp+ has banned by the official developers and currently everyone is using the normal version. A new app is available to use modified options and its free APK file is available in the down. FM WhatsApp is a new app available on Google, you may not know much details about it. This MOD is developed by Fouad Mokdad. Most developed Fouad Apps. The FMWhatsApp is one among the most popular WhatsApp APK MODs out there. With new version which released in June 2019, version 7.99. All features detail and download steps of the MOD by Fouad Mokdad. So, you can download the apk file for free.

Here are the feature updates in new version FM WhatsApp 7.99. Read them before downloading the latest com. FM WhatsApp APK file.
Whatsapp new tricks:

  1. Whatsapp chat pin: 
WhatsApp has officially rolled out new 'pinned chats' feature for all Android users. ... With the new feature, users can pin up to three message conversations right on top of all WhatsApp chats. Once you have pinned a conversation in WhatsApp, it will come right on top, no matter what other messages are streaming in.
  1. Whatsapp deleted messages recovery:  WAMR will also try to save any media attached to the message and if the sender deletes it, you will receive a notification.
    The following media types can be recovered: pictures, videos, animated gifs, audio, voice notes, documents, stickers.
WAMR-WhatsApp Message Recovery App  DOWNLOAD

 3. Whatsapp status download
can download in WAMR APP directly to the gallery in one click.

 4. Whatsapp Archive chats: Archived chats will unarchive when you receive a new message from that chat. You can manually unarchive a chat by searching for a contact name or message from that contact: In the Archived Chats screen, slide your finger across the chat, from right to left. Tap Unarchive.

 5. Whatsapp online tracker: open app - settings- enter name and number- and then select on start (no notification or code will be sent on that number which had entered) - and then you can track the online status of that number if the person open WhatsApp the Whatztrack app will send a message to its tracker

Whatztrack app link DOWNLOAD

FM WhatsApp Download 


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